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Borderlands 3: Mystical Assault Skill Tree

Borderlands 3 skill tree will once again be making an appearance, as well as several past skills so that you can put points into diversifying your character.

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Each of the Vault Hunter Classes will be able to put points into three different Skill Trees, and swap between three different Action Skills after reaching level 3.

While Amara can unlock many different Action Skills and only equip one at a time, The Vault Hunter Zane the Operative is unique in that he is the only character that can equip two Action Skills at a time instead of Grenades, and can augment them multiple times.

Mystical Assault Skill Tree

Starting Action Skill
Phasecast – Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path. Damage – 133, Cooldown: 22 Seconds.

Skill Name # of Ranks Description Stats
Do Harm 5 Grants Rush stacks after killing an enemy, which are consumed when using an Action Skill. Action Skill Damage is increased per stack of Rush consumed. Rank 1 – Action Skill Damage +0.6% per stack, 10 Max Rush Stacks, Duration 20 sec
Fast Hands 3 Reload Speed, Weapon Swap Speed, and Mode Switch Speed are improved. Rank 1 – Reload Speed +4%, Weapon Swap Speed +22%, Mode Switch Speed +21%
Violent Tapestry 5 Applying Elemental Effects grant Rush Stacks. For every stack of Rush consumed from an Action Skill, Elemental Effect Chance is increased. Rank 1 – Effect Chance +0.6%, 10 Max Rush Stacks, Duration 20 sec
Alacrity 5 Gain increased Reload Speed for every stack of Rush. For every stack of Rush consumed from an Action Skill, this bonus is increased. Rank 1 – Reload Speed +0.4% per stack (+0.6% after action skill), Duration 8 sec
Transcend 3 Gain increased Accuracy and Critical Hit Bonus after activating an Action Skill. Rank 1 – Accuracy +11%, Critical Hit Bonus +9%, Duration 8 sec
Restless 5 Gain increased Action Skill Cooldown Rate. Rank 1 – Cooldown Rate +4%
Soul Sap (Action Skill Augment) A portion of all damage dealt by Action Skills is returned to her or nearby allies as Health. Life Steal +30% of Skill damage dealt
Reverberation (Action Skill) Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself that damages everything in its path. Deals increased damage for every enemy hit. Damage 116, Damage Bonus +50% per enemy hit, Cooldown 24 sec
Ascendant 1 All Action Skill Augments gain increased effects. Soul Sap Lifesteal +20%, Allure Radius +100%, Glamour Duration +50%, Bright Star Damage +25%, Stillness of Mind breaks 0.75 sec after being damaged
Stillness of Mind (Action Skill Augment) Enemies damaged by Action Skills becomes Phaselocked until they are damaged or duration ends, but Action Skill Cooldown is increased. If an enemy is the target of Phasegrasp, nearby enemies are also Phaselocked. Damage -35%, Max Duration 6 sec, Cooldown +15%
Deliverance (Action Skill) Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself that deals damage to everything in its path. Upon hitting enemies, it releases homing Elemental Projectiles that trigger Action Skill Elemental Effect on enemies. Damage 124, Elemental Projectiles 3 per enemy hit, Cooldown 24 sec
From Rest 3 Gain improved Fire Rate and Charge Time. Rank 1 – Fire Rate +4%, Charge Time +26%
Laid Bare 3 Enemies take increased damage from all sources after being damaged by your Action Skill. Rank 1 – Damage increase +5%, Duration 8 sec
Wrath 3 Gain increased Gun Damage. Effect is increased after activating Action Skill Rank 1 – Gun Damage +3% (+5% after Action Skill Use), Duration 8 sec
Remnant 3 Creates a Homing Projectile after killing an enemy with a Gun or Action Skill, and deals Action Skill Elemental Damage plus Overkill Damage. Rank 1 – Remnant Damage 33
Awakening 3 Rush stacks gain increased effectiveness. Rank 1 – Rush Stack Effectiveness +10%
Tandava (Action Skill) Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself that explodes when it hits a target, damaging all nearby enemies. Damage: 166, Cooldown 28 sec
Avatar 1 Action Skills can be activated while cooling down. Can only be used once per completed cooldown. Increases Max Rush Stacks Bonus Rush Stacks +10

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